virtue n. 1.德,品德;德行,善行 (opp. vice ), 美德;节操,贞操。 2.价值,长处,优点。 3.力,效能,效力,功效。 4.【宗教】 〔 pl. 〕 第七级天使。 paint sb. utterly without a single virtue 把某人说得一无是处。 a man of virtue 有品德的人。 a woman of virtue 贞淑的女人。 a lady of easy virtue 行为不检的女人。 drugs of great virtue 效力大的药。 by virtue of = in virtue of 靠,因,靠…的力量 ( He was promoted in virtue of his abilities. 他是靠他的才能被提升的)。 make a virtue of necessity 见 necessity 条。
Virtue Party (, FP) was an Islamist political party established in December 1998 in Turkey. It was found unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court and then banned in June 2001, for violating the secularist articles of the Constitution.